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Love that never ages

Written by: Youssef Rizk – Beneficiary Services Coordinator.
Who did say that love always fades with age?
Love is like a plant that begins weak, and does not cease to strengthen and intensify, strikes its roots in the depths, and the more it grows, the more stable it becomes.
This is what I witnessed in this story…
He was a very dignified old man. When he speaks, you can hear his voice more like a whisper, and from his words you know that he is one of the people whom time has taught lessons and lessons.
But as soon as he started talking to me on the phone about the love of his life, it seemed to me that he was a young man, still wandering in love with her.
He told me about his love for her, about his pain because of her pain, and his keen concern for her. He told me that he was ready to go to the farthest extent for her sake.. How wouldn’t he do for his wife?!
He choked with tears while talking about her illness, then burst in a deep crying. His voice was more rhetoric than his words. His crying did not wipe a bit of his dignity, rather increased it. I was silent and could not speak a word, as if I were watching a dramatic scene full of emotions. I listened to him with all my feelings, and the moment he cried my tears had already fallen.
I told him that I will raise his case to the management and will wait for their response.
The cost of the operation was so expensive that the Society had not, at least since I joined it, approved such a case.
A couple of days later, my cell phone rang. The caller was the Society’s head of the board. He asked me about the case and about the man. I told him the whole story, then he said: Accept the case.
My joy for accepting the case was indescribable. I called the man directly and told him that his wife’s operation had been approved. The man fell silent for a while, until I thought no one was on the other end of the call. I was sure that the man was crying with joy, and when he spoke, his voice was shivering… full of a mix of joy and tears. He kept repeating: Praise be to God, praise be to God.. until he ended the call.
If Al-Rahmah (the Arabic word for compassion) has something to be commended for, or a success to be mentioned, it would be the relief of the people in need; and the credit for that is to be for God Almighty, then for the support of partners and contributions of the benefactors.
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