Media Center
Be The First Line of Defense

Only the great and strong-willed souls stand firm in the face of crises. Those people for whom we do not fear in calamities, but rather rely on them in the hard times, they are the true protective shield of our community.
Those are people who stabilize the others, ease the afflicted, relieve their pain, and assure them that things are going to be alright, that behind the adversity is a great good that requires patience, steadfastness, and determination.
So, let us be of those who are our first line of defense, calming other people’s fears and reassuring them by disseminating the correct information giving appropriate guidance, limiting rumors, implementing preventive and precautionary measures and urging people to do so. Let us spread the spirit of cooperation, synergy and solidarity, so that we come out from this crisis stronger, with more determination, contributing to driving our nation towards safety and prosperity.
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